The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter
The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter

The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter

RANK 105
319 Chapters 1.38M Views 6.43K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Chicken Boy. 319 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


I possessed the weakest character in my favorite game’s Hell Mode. I want to survive, but the way the main character is being controlled is atrocious.

It can’t be helped.

I have to stop the bad ending myself.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 319: Winged Heavenly Being Subjugation (7)
: 2 comments on Chapter 318: Winged Heavenly Being Subjugation (6)
: 2 comments on Chapter 298: Iron Fairy Subjugation (8)
: 4 comments on Chapter 317: Winged Heavenly Being Subjugation (5)
: 4 comments on Chapter 316: Winged Heavenly Being Subjugation (4)
  • ChangingStar123 1

    Hey everyone can anyone recommend me your favorite or best romance novles you have read they don't have to be on this site but Im new to reading novels like this one and I'm looking for suggestions please and thank you

    • falcon123 3

      Supreme Magus, Son of the hero king, Chrysalis, Monarch of Evernight (the last chapters are not on this site), The Beginning After The End

  • Asterion 8

    This novel deserved to be in the top 20

  • Syqq 1

    In which chapter is his hidden identity revealed? (Nameless hero)

    • Lindex 1


      • Syqq 1

        Just finished Alice Subjugation it was Peak asf Isaac he had a Freak of Aura

  • KJ_s0v3relgN 1

    This novel is PEAK, just became one of my favorites, it take all my weak points - weak to strong mc - op mc - romance (harem + yandere fmc) - peak literature - peak story - the fight scene (top tier) - becoming a sovereign - the comedic timing

  • SeeingThrough 3

    wow only 40ch and it ends

  • Syqq 1

    This is the first time in my life not disliking an Arrogant Young Master i swear (Tristan)

  • arsonn 1

    who needs girls when you can have best waifu Tristan...

    • Asborn7 1

      why do you call that tristan guy a waifu I have just started reading and I don't understand? Or is there another girl named tristan?

      Edited: 26d
      • arsonn 1

        he looks like a trash noble but acknowledges the mc, defends him, tries to catch up, gives him compliments (even though they seem like insults at first)

      • Asborn7 1

        oh ok I have just started reading and I am yet to reach that point but ok I guess he gets character development but I'm kinda thinking of dropping this and reading invisible dragon someone suggested it to me cause this novels is kinda you know not really my cup of tea I don't really understand major system related things in this novels so I'm gonna drop it and maybe read it later not saying this novels is bad though anyways thanks for explaining your comment cause I was kinda you know just shocked when I read your comment when I have just read like 20-30 chapters

      • Brhxhsdh 6

        Invisible dragon??? 😭 Lmaoo good luck with that

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  • PetSalmon 1

    Anyone know where i can join the discord for this server?

  • Mono7one 2

    I got to chapter 17 and I don't get the hype at all. But everyone's hyping it up and I just crazy or when does it get hella good

    • BarryMwewa 1

      Just continue reading, you won't regret it.

    • VENE_RABLE 1

      You should definitely read it with your expectations low but yes its definitely worth the hype but while reading the novel i didn't came across any still parts or anything that seemed boring to me especially so if you can't enjoy the whole thing i would suggest you drop it otherwise keep going till the end who knows you might like it.

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  • NamelessShadow 6

    Early on, i didnt really think much of this novel but G*DD*MN the author started cooking after chapter 90,πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ now the only sad thing is that i caught up 😭😭😭
